Thursday, July 15, 2010

postheadericon Get the latest in Healthcare Reform, ACOs, Contracting and Much More in the Business Track at the Fall Forum

The Business track at the Fall Managed Care Forum will feature 8 talks on November 4-5, 2010 at the Bellagio in Las Vegas! The track begins at 9:30am on Thursday, and runs until 11:30am on Friday morning. Featuring speakers from across the industry, the business track is for attendees that want to be kept up to date on the changes that healthcare reform is creating in the industry. From contracting to ACOs, the business track features 8 well known speakers in the healthcare industry.

Sessions Include:

Review and Update of the State of the Art of Value Based Healthcare
- Robert Kritzler, MD, Deputy Chief Medical Officer, John Hopkins Health Care

The Predictive Power of Healthcare Data
- Jack Newsom, ScD, Vice President, Analytics, Silverlink Communications

Managed Care Contracting: Understanding Key Legal Provisions & Impact of ERISA
- Mary Emma Karam, Healthcare Attorney, Jackson Walker LLP

Emerging Business Models for Hospital and Physician Integration: Clinical integration as a Business Strategy for Accelerated Growth
- Christopher Kalkof, MHA, FACHE, Director, & Frank LaMorte, MD, Director, Alvarez & Marsal Healthcare Industry Group

Hospitals and Physicians: High Performance Integration Strategies
- Neil Pressman, President, Presscott Associates, Ltd

How a Provider Can Successfully Partner with a Medicare Advantage Plan
- Catherine VonRueden, VP of Payor Contracting & Strategy, Essentia Health

Preparing for the Future: CMS Initiatives: A Two Part Session

1. Running the Numbers on ACOs
- John Harris, Partner, DGA Partners

2. The Medicare Bundled Payment Demonstration Project-Should You Participate?
- Jon Pearce, Director, DGA Partners

There will be 4 total tracks at the Fall Forum, with 3 running concurrently throughout the 2 days. Be Sure to check out the full conference brochure: Managed Care Forum Agenda.pdf. Or, for general conference information, check out our homepage: Please contact Jeremy Williams @ with any questions!

We'll see you in Las Vegas!


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Anonymous said...

Its good to see that health care speakers are also working in this noble cause of spreading awareness among people for treating there health according to environment.

health care speakers

Bruce Dyson said...

I agree, it's good to see that there are healthcare management consultants dedicated to spreading to word about how to improve peoples quality of life.

